This weekend was great. We had a great time. Friday night we just took it easy, after we got home (Kelly came into town w/ Trish and the baby for lunch) After we went home we had dinner, fed Taegh some food, gave him a bath, and we all just hung out. That boy is amazing, what a total miracle.
Saturday Kelly had an appointment, her mother and her had an attunement to Integrative Energy Therapy (IET) Taegh and I spent the day together. It is the first time we had spent an entire day together. We played, we went for a walk with Rhea, I gave him a bath, fed him, we watched some football. Being a father is an indescribable experience. I could never imagine NOT being a father. Saturday evening we went over to the inlaws for dinner. It was nice, everyone got to see Taegh, he is such a ham. Always laughing and flirting.
Sunday we got up early and headed out to Bayshore. We all had a great day, we did some shopping, some Christmas shopping for Taegh, that was so fun, god I can't wait until Christmas day :) We went for lunch at Moxie's, we were at the mall all day. We left our house at 11am and didn't get home till 4 and not once did that amazing little boy, didn't fuss once, or cry or anything, he was a total angel, how blessed are we that we can go out w/ our son and he has a good time all day !!!! Sunday evening we went back over to the in laws for dinner it was nice not to have to cook dinner.
All in all it was a great weekend!
Love you Taegh & Kelly
Monday, November 20, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
A true wonder
As I sit here this morning my mind wanders, with thoughts of happiness and excitement. My life has in the past few years changed dramatically from what I thought it would eventually become. I wondered if I would ever marry, yet I found a beautiful, wonderful, caring woman. A woman who, has become my best friend, she has a wicked sense of humor and can make me laugh like no other. In our years together we have shared many wonderful experiences, we had a truly memorable wedding. Our honeymoon was fabulous, spent in Quebec city. As our life together evolves and develops it truly has become a wonderful experience. As we spent out time together we bought a new house together, a house that is ours, that we can build, grow in and start our family in.
After a few years of being together we were blessed with the news of a little one on his way. I never thought that it could have this much of an impact on my life. But as I have learned and spent time and watched him grow. It truly is a miracle and it truly can only be described as a life altering experience. My son is a wonder, he is a miraculous child. His smile can light up a room.. He has the best laugh, where he has this little screech and his whole body shakes. I am in awe, as he watches things and sees things, as I take them for granted; he sees them with amazing intent, the paint on the wall, the hanging mirror, and the raindrops on the window. As I attempt to see with his eyes, he helps me see life in a new light. My wife has become an even more wonder in my life as she grows into an amazing mother. His determination and will and drive to succeed, makes me proud as a parent To watch him concentrate on sitting up or standing, or figuring out what we are saying, at holding a block in his two hands. Life is grand, and to be taught how to see again, is a wonder, to not take things for granted, having your son as a teacher truly is a wonderful experience.
To my wife, my son, you truly are my miracles, my friends, my family. You truly both have brought me to new heights in my life, that I truly never could fully thank you both for. Without you I wouldn't be where I am, without you I couldn't have goals and visions of where the future might lead.
You truly both are wonderful people
Here's to you My love, my son, my life!!!
Love you both Kel & Taegh
Bobby - Daddy
After a few years of being together we were blessed with the news of a little one on his way. I never thought that it could have this much of an impact on my life. But as I have learned and spent time and watched him grow. It truly is a miracle and it truly can only be described as a life altering experience. My son is a wonder, he is a miraculous child. His smile can light up a room.. He has the best laugh, where he has this little screech and his whole body shakes. I am in awe, as he watches things and sees things, as I take them for granted; he sees them with amazing intent, the paint on the wall, the hanging mirror, and the raindrops on the window. As I attempt to see with his eyes, he helps me see life in a new light. My wife has become an even more wonder in my life as she grows into an amazing mother. His determination and will and drive to succeed, makes me proud as a parent To watch him concentrate on sitting up or standing, or figuring out what we are saying, at holding a block in his two hands. Life is grand, and to be taught how to see again, is a wonder, to not take things for granted, having your son as a teacher truly is a wonderful experience.
To my wife, my son, you truly are my miracles, my friends, my family. You truly both have brought me to new heights in my life, that I truly never could fully thank you both for. Without you I wouldn't be where I am, without you I couldn't have goals and visions of where the future might lead.
You truly both are wonderful people
Here's to you My love, my son, my life!!!
Love you both Kel & Taegh
Bobby - Daddy
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Engagement? Congrats
Friday night we had friends over for their (well more our for them) engagement party. They are really good friends. Unfortunately we don't get to see them more often. Anyways Friday night, we had them over, Gare & Laine and Liam & Allison over for dinner. It was a great night, friends, laughs, and generally fun times.
We did a end of summer bbq, it was great food, salads, potatoes, veggies, it was wicked. Mark, good choice on the ring. We got a cake company to make a miniature wedding cake,
Everyone had a really great time, a few drinks and lots of pictures, check them out...HERE
Have a good one and I'll make sure it's not another month before I post.
We did a end of summer bbq, it was great food, salads, potatoes, veggies, it was wicked. Mark, good choice on the ring. We got a cake company to make a miniature wedding cake,
Everyone had a really great time, a few drinks and lots of pictures, check them out...HERE
Have a good one and I'll make sure it's not another month before I post.
The changes are prevalent
Seeing you grow is astounding. You are growing so fast. You spoke your first words, you stand on your own. You giggle, giggle to make me laugh, giggle to shake your tummy. I can't believe that such a little boy, can change your day in an instant. I can come home from work and have the worst day, and as soon as I see you, my day is forgotten, you are wonderful.
Last night I put you on my hands and made you fly, you were laughing so hard, you had so much fun. I was laughing too, it was great, you have the most wonderful smile buddy, god you could bring peace to the middle east.

I could never have imagined having a son been so much fun, been so easy, AND been able to sleep.
Taegh, you're amazing, you're wonderful and I love you sooooo much!!!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Exploded head of husband
Alright, this is a simple tip for all you wives out there. And listen up. If you like the way men do things for you, get you things, treat you, then you cannot, I repeat CANNOT do things that will cause their head to explode and their brain to leak out their ears.
My wife, (god I love her dearly) today, asked me to pick up a bag and a card for the gift for her parents anniversary. Now my wife (god i love her dearly) is EXTREMELY anal retentive when it comes to gift wrapping, and usually when I pick stuff out, it's not what she likes. Well today my wife (god i love her dearly) wants me to do this. She wants me to pick out a bag for the gift that will fit the box the gift goes in, then she wants me to get a card that matches the bag , then my wife (god i love her dearly) wants me to buy tissue paper that matches the card that matches the bag. Then my wife (god I love her dearly) wants me to pick out a ribbon, that matches the tissue paper, that matches the card that matches the bag to fit the box that the gift goes in.
.....the writer of this blog is no longer here his brain has EXPLODED.
My wife, (god I love her dearly) today, asked me to pick up a bag and a card for the gift for her parents anniversary. Now my wife (god i love her dearly) is EXTREMELY anal retentive when it comes to gift wrapping, and usually when I pick stuff out, it's not what she likes. Well today my wife (god i love her dearly) wants me to do this. She wants me to pick out a bag for the gift that will fit the box the gift goes in, then she wants me to get a card that matches the bag , then my wife (god i love her dearly) wants me to buy tissue paper that matches the card that matches the bag. Then my wife (god I love her dearly) wants me to pick out a ribbon, that matches the tissue paper, that matches the card that matches the bag to fit the box that the gift goes in.

Sleep I so don't need anymore....

So apparently, my son missed the "babies never sleep" train when he was born. All throughout the pregnancy friends, family all talked about how we'd be soooo tired, and sleep deprived and how stressful it is. We had friends that had a baby 3 months before us (and their child was colicky) telling us how hard it was, how much sleep they didn't get etc.
WELL... have i got something to tell you
Our son, our wonderful, beautiful, smart, son sleeps, he sleeps like a rock, he sleeps like a baby, he sleeps like every metaphor to sleeping everyone has ever made. Oh and if you think I'm kidding, keep reading.
The first few weeks of our son's life, he slept completely through the night. We would put him down at 11:30 or so and he would sleep until 5:30, 6am. Damn that's a good boy. After that it was down to 3 or 4 hour chunks. Asleep around 11 wake at 2 or 3 feed and back to sleep for the night. He always slept in our room, or in our bed. Well recently (he's 11 weeks tomorrow) we started putting him in his crib. Well one of the first nights we put him in his crib @ 11:30 at night and he slept through the night again, till 6:30. 7 Straight hours.
Oh and just cause I'm so proud of my son, last Saturday we all went to bed @ 9:30 he slept until 3am fed till4 and then slept again until 9am, almost 12 hours w/ a new born, can you believe that,
Daddy's little boy.
WELL... have i got something to tell you
Our son, our wonderful, beautiful, smart, son sleeps, he sleeps like a rock, he sleeps like a baby, he sleeps like every metaphor to sleeping everyone has ever made. Oh and if you think I'm kidding, keep reading.
The first few weeks of our son's life, he slept completely through the night. We would put him down at 11:30 or so and he would sleep until 5:30, 6am. Damn that's a good boy. After that it was down to 3 or 4 hour chunks. Asleep around 11 wake at 2 or 3 feed and back to sleep for the night. He always slept in our room, or in our bed. Well recently (he's 11 weeks tomorrow) we started putting him in his crib. Well one of the first nights we put him in his crib @ 11:30 at night and he slept through the night again, till 6:30. 7 Straight hours.
Oh and just cause I'm so proud of my son, last Saturday we all went to bed @ 9:30 he slept until 3am fed till4 and then slept again until 9am, almost 12 hours w/ a new born, can you believe that,
Daddy's little boy.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Suddenly I See...
Appears the author of the song who's title matches mine knew what she was talking about.
I see you, watching me, watching your mother, the dog, all of it, taking it in. You watch with such concentration and dedication. Trying to figure it, us, all of it out. You learn more everyday, you make new sounds, you hold your head up more.
You have become experimental w/ your voice. Making different sounds, gurgles, giggles, high pitched screeches enough to shatter crystal (good thing we don't have any) pouty sounds when you're just plain sad.
Suddenly I see, what it all means, to be a father, to look down at you watching me w/ such admiration, making me so proud to watch you try and sit up, or watch how much you have fun when I hold you and you stand up, or when I'm giving you a bath.
Suddenly I see, what it all means, to have a son, a child to be honoured with that responsibility. All I can say is wow!!!
Suddenly, I do see!!!
Love you son
I see you, watching me, watching your mother, the dog, all of it, taking it in. You watch with such concentration and dedication. Trying to figure it, us, all of it out. You learn more everyday, you make new sounds, you hold your head up more.
You have become experimental w/ your voice. Making different sounds, gurgles, giggles, high pitched screeches enough to shatter crystal (good thing we don't have any) pouty sounds when you're just plain sad.
Suddenly I see, what it all means, to be a father, to look down at you watching me w/ such admiration, making me so proud to watch you try and sit up, or watch how much you have fun when I hold you and you stand up, or when I'm giving you a bath.
Suddenly I see, what it all means, to have a son, a child to be honoured with that responsibility. All I can say is wow!!!
Suddenly, I do see!!!
Love you son
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
My Wife
She is a wonderful woman, I can't believe how strong and brave she is. What she went through would make most people upset and angry. She may be angry, but she moves past it, she grows from that experience. She is a better person for it, I think she is a wonderful mother. I watch her w/ my son and she is so gentle, so caring, so loving, she laughs w/ you, feeds you, loves you.
My family a wonderful place of being, of feeling safe, full of love, friendship and affection. We are happy, we are together, and there we'll stay.
Thank you my wife, for being so amazing, you have come through everything like no one else could.
My family a wonderful place of being, of feeling safe, full of love, friendship and affection. We are happy, we are together, and there we'll stay.
Thank you my wife, for being so amazing, you have come through everything like no one else could.
You amaze me

You grow so fast, I can't believe an 8 week old could do so much, be so responsive or be so big for that matter.
This morning was fun, taking a shower then getting out and being able to give you a bath. You have so much fun in the bath, I have pictures you'll see. You've made us so happy, we sit and watch you for hours. Watch you smile when we play with you. Hold you close so you feel safe and protected.
You get bigger everyday, I swear between the time I leave for work and come home at night you get bigger. You are more responsive each day. You react more and more to us talking to you, you're learning how to use your vocal chords more and if things keep up you'll be 6' tall and speaking in a couple of weeks. LOL
God Boy you are a miracle, you have completely given us something that I don't think until you become a parent you ever experience. I don't think the love and joy that come w/ being a parent can be felt in any other form.
We are so lucky. That smile could bring peace to the middle east.
Keep smiling, you bring joy to so many already.
Love you buddy,
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I'm only doing this in your best interest
Sometimes your most faithful friend, knows what you want more than you do, in this case our dog Rhea, seems to know about how we want to handle another conceived baby. After the labour my wife went through and all the trauma, we had talked a little about not having more children, or possibly adopting.
We just don't feel that knowing the possibilities of what happened could happen again, we don't want to go through that again, we're not saying we absolutely don't want another baby, it's just not high on our list of things to do right now.
Anyways, yesterday my wife and I were putting laundry away in the baby's nursery, and we started fooling around, being affectionate, I was kissing my wife's neck and about 5 mins later, Rhea our ever so loving puppy decided that she was going to reinforce our decision about conception. She starts whining, comes over and gets between us so we have to separate, now I know you're thinking "it's only a dog, move her out of the way." Yeah um word of warning, Rhea is 116lbs of solid muscle, she leans on you when you pet her and you fall over. Lol
So apparently in this household, there won't be ANYMORE babies, as long as Rhea has something to say about it.
We just don't feel that knowing the possibilities of what happened could happen again, we don't want to go through that again, we're not saying we absolutely don't want another baby, it's just not high on our list of things to do right now.
Anyways, yesterday my wife and I were putting laundry away in the baby's nursery, and we started fooling around, being affectionate, I was kissing my wife's neck and about 5 mins later, Rhea our ever so loving puppy decided that she was going to reinforce our decision about conception. She starts whining, comes over and gets between us so we have to separate, now I know you're thinking "it's only a dog, move her out of the way." Yeah um word of warning, Rhea is 116lbs of solid muscle, she leans on you when you pet her and you fall over. Lol
So apparently in this household, there won't be ANYMORE babies, as long as Rhea has something to say about it.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
So today my wife took our son to his appointment. Everything is good, he is healthy there are no concerns, he is in the 76th percentile for all, weight, height and head size, meaning that everything is in pretty good relation to each other. I can't believe it was 6 weeks ago this Thursday that he was born, there was so much that happened, sometimes I'm resentful at what actually did place, sometimes I'm selfish, for not having been allowed to be there for the birth of my son, to not be there to support my wife when she was going through everything alone, after having asked for me to be there w/ her. They say everything happens for a reason, but I'm still searching for the reason we all had to go through what we did. And then I look over at my son and my wife sleeping, happy, healthy and everything just falls away, the memory of it takes a back seat and I admire how lucky I am to have such an amazing family, Kelly I love you so much, thank you for giving me the most amazing gift. Taeghan, thank you for being so wonderful and being such a great teacher, you have taught me so much already and you're so young, I only hope that I can do the same for you throughout the years. Rhea, you are the most wicked dog, you are so gentle w/ the baby, you protect the house and mommy and the baby when I'm not home.
You all ROCK and I love you.
You all ROCK and I love you.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Great....who taught you THAT???
So today my son is one month old. He was born weighing 9lbs 2oz.
Today we weighed him just casually at home on a digital scale, we weighed him twice 11lbs exactly. So in a month he has gained almost 2 lbs. God they get big so fast. So today we're having a little fun, my wife, my son and I just hanging around playing, and I make this annoying sound, and at first my son is looking at me like I'm completely retarded, then his lip stars to quiver, then, he pouts, he pushes out his bottom lip and his eyes well up, my god he looked like a trained professional. So my son is only a month and he knows how to suck his father in already, god w/ that face anyone would give in to him. I'm in so much trouble and we're only a month in HAHAHA.

Friday, August 18, 2006
Brain Freeze
GOD! It seems like forever and a day since I've written here. Things are just super hectic, at home, at work, everywhere, and the weather is starting to get nice so the last place I really spend anytime is the computer.
There was the brain freeze. Kelly and I had gone shopping, and we bought a slushy to share, and they use those 1" wide straws, so when you suck you take in 1/2 the slushy and at first nothing really happens, then slowly you feel your esophagus start to get colder, then slowly your brain begins to freeze, you can feel the pain rising, getting stronger and soon your brain is completely frozen, your eyes have tears running out of them. Your in so much pain and nothing you do can ease it. You've got to stick it out you've got to get control, force more WARM blood to your brain, in hopes that shortly it will thaw out so that mind numbing pain will go away. God that pain, that excrutiating pain. There is nothing like brain freeze. Nothing at all. So Kelly has this happen to her, and we get a good laugh, hers is so bad she's practically bawling from 1) the pain and 2) from laughing so hard. So after she's done and gets control she hands me the slushy and says you try. Um excuse me, why would I want to do that, brain freezes hurt. No they don't just try. OK. Um hello brain talking here, are you stupid mouth. What's wrong w/ you, why did you answer that request w/out consulting w/ the brain, the BRAIN first. Lips shouldn't echo sounds unless consulting w/ a trained professional first, as in the BRAIN. So again I pose the question mouth are you retarded. So away we go, and take a huge HUGE sip (god my brain is freezing just thinking about it) So it goes down w/ out a hitch, and slowly my throat starts to get cold, my stomach is starting to freeze I can feel it on the inside. I've taken in so much cold liquid that regardless of my stomach acid and the internal temperature of my body (98.6 degrees) it overwhelms all that heat. The ice is winning and slowly my brain starts yelling at me from the inside, why? Why have you done this, have you been broken, has the stress of becoming a father finally become too much, an slowly the freezing builds up, my eyes start squinting, my brain has practically JUMPED out of my ear in fear of becoming completely frozen. The pain has totally increased to the point that it has not exceeded breaking a limb. God I am laughing so hard at what a dumbass I was in agreeing to do this. My wife sits in the seat next to me in the car laughing, Laughing her ass off, at how dumb I was to do that after watching her pain.
God what fun.
There was the brain freeze. Kelly and I had gone shopping, and we bought a slushy to share, and they use those 1" wide straws, so when you suck you take in 1/2 the slushy and at first nothing really happens, then slowly you feel your esophagus start to get colder, then slowly your brain begins to freeze, you can feel the pain rising, getting stronger and soon your brain is completely frozen, your eyes have tears running out of them. Your in so much pain and nothing you do can ease it. You've got to stick it out you've got to get control, force more WARM blood to your brain, in hopes that shortly it will thaw out so that mind numbing pain will go away. God that pain, that excrutiating pain. There is nothing like brain freeze. Nothing at all. So Kelly has this happen to her, and we get a good laugh, hers is so bad she's practically bawling from 1) the pain and 2) from laughing so hard. So after she's done and gets control she hands me the slushy and says you try. Um excuse me, why would I want to do that, brain freezes hurt. No they don't just try. OK. Um hello brain talking here, are you stupid mouth. What's wrong w/ you, why did you answer that request w/out consulting w/ the brain, the BRAIN first. Lips shouldn't echo sounds unless consulting w/ a trained professional first, as in the BRAIN. So again I pose the question mouth are you retarded. So away we go, and take a huge HUGE sip (god my brain is freezing just thinking about it) So it goes down w/ out a hitch, and slowly my throat starts to get cold, my stomach is starting to freeze I can feel it on the inside. I've taken in so much cold liquid that regardless of my stomach acid and the internal temperature of my body (98.6 degrees) it overwhelms all that heat. The ice is winning and slowly my brain starts yelling at me from the inside, why? Why have you done this, have you been broken, has the stress of becoming a father finally become too much, an slowly the freezing builds up, my eyes start squinting, my brain has practically JUMPED out of my ear in fear of becoming completely frozen. The pain has totally increased to the point that it has not exceeded breaking a limb. God I am laughing so hard at what a dumbass I was in agreeing to do this. My wife sits in the seat next to me in the car laughing, Laughing her ass off, at how dumb I was to do that after watching her pain.
God what fun.
In this corner - Ice Cream , in the other corner, Mr. Police man
So, my wife and I went swimming and to dinner at the in-laws (her parents) last night. It was a great night, all the kids and spouse's were there. Afterwards we headed for home, and the wife (pregnant) wanted to stop at DQ. For all you non ice cream lovers that's Dairy Queen. So we go through drive thru, yes DQ has drive thru. As they should, what's the point of getting ice cream to cool down, if you have to get out of your a/c'd car to walk through 35 degree heat. ANYWAYS. We get up to the voice box and my wife suggests getting something for the dog, so as a treat I order the dilly bar, he rings everything thru tells me to drive up to the window. He comes to the window with our stuff then says that they don't have dilly bars. I'm like do you have anything similar, in a very fast, un able to understand french (i am bilingual) he asks me if i want an ice cream cone dipped in chocolate ( i know now cause this is what i ended up with) I say sure. So we drive away, we are in our jeep w/ air conditioning (liberty) and driving home, my wife asks if it will melt just as we're leaving, we live 3 mins from DQ so I'm like no we'll be fine. No sooner do I open my mouth, (there goes my mouth speaking w/out talking to my brain first, for those of you that are now lost, read previous post - Brain Freeze ) then the icecream starts dripping down my hand, so i take a lick, and then I have the BRILLIANT idea to put the ice cream cone in front of the breeze from the a/c. Smart idea dummy, as ice cream blows all over my wife's lap. Ok so that doesn't work. So I speed up faster, then I mention that I could get a speeding ticket, oh great! And so the self conversing begins, yes out loud, yes w/ my wife in the car. Ok son, do you realize you were speeding, why officer of course I do, are you aware that my wife is pregnant, 5 weeks from her due date, and I am eating the ice cream for our dog, she is not very impressed, do you KNOW what emotion levels are like during pregnancy. Tell me officer, are you married do you have kids? Yes, well then you can certainly compassionately understand where I'm coming from. So officer, unless you would like to detain us any longer, have my wife's neck extend have her head slip out my window and bite YOUR HEAD OFF, you will let us continue on our way. So all the while my wife is howling in the car, laughing her a$$ off. So a notice to all husbands who are / will be expecting a child w/ their wife. Do as they ask, demand, request whatever, keep them happy at all costs, police are chasing you....KEEP going, have to pee, HOLD it, want sex, TOO bad, unless requested, demanded or asked. All of you will thank me in the future for heeding this previous warning.
Husband, still alive and kicking has learned valuable lessons,
Husband, still alive and kicking has learned valuable lessons,
Thursday, August 17, 2006
To Taeghan
What a beautiful day
Since that day I've thought of you
I've known who you'd be, I knew a boy was there to come
In hearts of hearts, I felt your presence
I never wavered or faltered, but believed a boy was there
Who WILL you be, You will be my son,
A son to hold, to cherish, to love, to respect, to teach,
To befriend,
My son, a joyous day yesterday was,
You showed yourself to us, you revealed, your nature of who you were.
A boy, to grow strong, to learn, to play
A young man, to be respectful,
A man to be envied,
Smart, Intelligent, caring, strong, stern, yet passionate.
To be a boy, always, having fun, for him for you
To live today as tomorrow will never come,
You are my son, I will cherish you forever,
You are my son, the son I always wanted,
You are my son, the son my father never had
You are my son, I am your father,
the father I never had,
I love you Taeghan,
Xo xo xo
Since that day I've thought of you
I've known who you'd be, I knew a boy was there to come
In hearts of hearts, I felt your presence
I never wavered or faltered, but believed a boy was there
Who WILL you be, You will be my son,
A son to hold, to cherish, to love, to respect, to teach,
To befriend,
My son, a joyous day yesterday was,
You showed yourself to us, you revealed, your nature of who you were.
A boy, to grow strong, to learn, to play
A young man, to be respectful,
A man to be envied,
Smart, Intelligent, caring, strong, stern, yet passionate.
To be a boy, always, having fun, for him for you
To live today as tomorrow will never come,
You are my son, I will cherish you forever,
You are my son, the son I always wanted,
You are my son, the son my father never had
You are my son, I am your father,
the father I never had,
I love you Taeghan,
Xo xo xo
To you my son
You're coming soon, so very soon,
Our lives you
Will change, Forever, never to be the same again
With much love we anticipate your arrival,
Through us we hope you grow and learn and prosper
We will hold your hand as each
day you grow, stronger,
smarter, more caring, understanding,
Taeghan Conor O'Neill Reid
Our lives you
Will change, Forever, never to be the same again
With much love we anticipate your arrival,
Through us we hope you grow and learn and prosper
We will hold your hand as each
day you grow, stronger,
smarter, more caring, understanding,
Taeghan Conor O'Neill Reid
An introduction

Well I guess introductions are in order. I used to have a space at, but spaces changed to live and that place no longer functions consistently.
So I have moved here, eventually most blogs and photos from there will be here, but until then this introduction will have to serve the purpose.
I am a 31 y/o male living in Quebec, Canada, I am happily married to a wonderful woman. We have been married for almost 4 years (October 2002). We just recently had our first child. That has to be and will always be the most amazing experience of my life. We named him Taeghan (pronounced T-gan). Today he is exactly 4 weeks old and to be honest he is the most amazing, wonderful, absolutely mind blowing thing I have ever witnessed.
My interests include sports, camping, going for walks w/ our 100+ lb rottie (Rhea see attached). We enjoy camping up at our cottage, about 45 mins from our house. Once our twice a year we go up to our other cottage which is about 10 hours away, more on that in another post. I like music, movies. I am a hockey fanatic. Ottawa Senators all the way.
Well, I don't want to give everything away in my first post. So I'll sign off, and keep coming back for more posts and pictures.
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